An age old technique including both art and science, Vastu Shastra can be defined as the Native indian system of structure and design of Vedic source. The word Vastu stands for living of people and Gods. According to Hindu practice, structures should be designed as per the guidelines mentioned in the vastu shastra, to obtain finish balance with natural forces for well being of humankind. 

The different guidelines and areas of a home are allocated to different Gods and Parents. These areas, when designed according to the nature of the God, lead to finish balance and bring in success, excellent thought and sound wellness to people living inside. Some of the important parts of the home have been listed in the following lines, along with the pleasant route.

Vaastu Shastra Directions


Southwest part is the most ideal position for the bed room. A space in the southern would not only be good-natured, but also work for comfort living. In case your home has an upper storey, create sure that its the western section houses the bed room.

Children Room

Children space in the north western part or in the western part is considered ideal. The space not only functions positively in terms of wellness of the kids. For developing better focus in kids, create sure they have a separate research close to their bed rooms.


The right position of the cooking area area guarantees positive wellness of the family. Preferably, since south east part is the living position of Agni or the God of Fire, the cooking area area should also be placed in the same position.

Study Room

The ideal position to research would be experiencing the north, southern or the northeast part. These guidelines entice the positive results of different planet's - Mercury improves mental faculties, Jupiter improves knowledge, Sun improves aspirations and Venus helps in bringing about creativeness in new ideas and ideas.


Ideally, southern is the most ideal position for the bathing room. When it comes to attached bathing room, one in the north or southern part would be positive. Shower, bathing tub and wash sink in the bathing room may be in the Northeast, or the North or the East route. Do not have bathing room in the center or the western area of the home.

Drawing Room

Drawing rooms can be in the northeast or north or southern part of the space. Avoid having illustrating space in the the western section. Keep the northeast area of the illustrating space empty.

Store Room

Store space can be in the north western or the western part of the home. It is best to shop heavy things in the the western of the store. Rubbish can be gathered in the southern part of the home.


At the time of getting to sleep, create sure that you have go towards the South Post and feet towards the North Post. However, getting to sleep with go in the southern and feet in the western is also positive and brings in mental peace, excellent ideas and spiritual techniques.
Vasthu Directions For Home
DirectionPlanetLordshipBest For
NorthwestMoonVayu (Wind)Guests, bathroom, garage, animals, utilities, pantry.
NorthMercuryKubera (Wealth)Mirrors (North wall), jewels and other valuables,children, family room, basement.
NortheastJupiterIshanya (the Supreme Lord)Prayer, shrines, living room, sun porch, patio or deck.
WestSaturnVaruna (Waters)Dining room, children's room, study room, den
EastSunSurya (Health)Bathroom, Dining room, family room, bay windows,mirrors on east wall, storage of ghee, milk, oil, rosewater, etc.
SouthwestRahuNairuti (Dissolution)Heavy objects, Bedroom, no shrines or bathrooms.
SouthMarsYama (Lord of Death)Dining room, no main entrances, Bed room, Bath room
SoutheastVenusAgni(Lord of Fire)Kitchen, pantry, appliances, computers, exercise room, garage, weights.

Note:The middle is the position of Brahmasthana. This position should only be used for a courtyard or a spiritual shrine. Individual action should be prevented.


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